
Yoga betekent letterlijk ‘verbinden’. Op sommige momenten heb je behoefte om verbinding te maken met je lichaam zodat je meer energie krijgt en je je gezonder voelt. Andere momenten wil je meer tot rust komen en maak je verbinding met jezelf door naar binnen te keren en lang in één houding te blijven.


Bekijk de verschillende lessen om te zien wat bij jou past.

Inner Expedition Open Group Session

At Inner Expedition, we believe that life is relational and that a fulfilling human life is based on the capacity to be fully yourself! Being real asks us to be courageous, honest, open, vulnerable, curious, discerning, spontaneous and so much more.

Our open evening group meets bi-weekly to support each other in personal development. The teachings are tailored to the needs of the group at that moment. The group provides a safe, enriching, exciting and stable environment for deeper exploration and open discussions. These evenings are open for anyone to join and the costs are 37,50 euros per person.

During our group sessions provide genuine wisdom, practical methods, and support for those who seek a more presence based life, true fulfillment, flow and meaningful connections. 

We have a heart for authentic connection, are passionate about truth, and are on a mission to connect individuals back to their essence.

Feel welcome to join our open group evenings!

37,50 euro's per person

Pay on location